Monday, July 26, 2010

What is Technology ?

The Word "Technology" : 
Greek technología (in ancient Greek - τεχνολογία) — téchnē (in ancient Greek - τέχνη)means- 'skill', 'art', or 'craft' and logía (in ancient Greek - -λογία)means- the branch of knowledge of a discipline, or the study of something.

Synonyms (nearly the same or alternate meaning, or similar to the word) : 
  •  Skill
  •  Knowledge
  •  Expertise 
  •  Know-how
  •  Equipment 
  •  Machinery
  •  Tools

Few words about Technology :
In this modern and smarter world, one may think that the latest trends like internet, gadgets like mobile phones, iPods, laptops or vehicles like cars, aeroplanes, spacecrafts are the only technologies that we know. But this is not true; believe me or not, the use of technology began in the ancient days as soon as humans learned to convert natural resources into usable tools. In those ancient days, human species discovered and used their own technology for making and controlling fire(about 500,000 – 1 million years ago), they build wheels(about 5,000 – 6,000 years ago) - these things helped the ancient people to avail foods and traveling, which made their living easier in the tough world of that time.

Definition of Technology : 
Technology can be defined in many ways, here is one definition -  "Technology is the application of tools, machines and materials and also development and processes that help to solve problems, which also represents the knowledge of how to combine resources into desired products(or tools, machines, materials and processes)."

Wikipedia says : 
By the 1930s, "technology" referred not to the study of the industrial arts, but to the industrial arts themselves. In 1937, the American sociologist Read Bain wrote that- "technology includes all tools, machines, utensils, weapons, instruments, housing, clothing,communicating and transporting devices and the skills by which we produce and usethem."

"The meanings of technology changed in the early 20th century when American social scientists, beginning with Thorstein Veblen, translated ideas from the German concept of Technik into "technology."

Types of Technologies :
Technology has no types or has almost endless types, confusing but true; for instance: countless words can be prefixed with the word "technology"; example - sports technology, food technology, information technology, wireless technology, hacking technology and even - social technology, cultural technology, Japanese technology and so on... So, there are not any sure numbers of well classified types of technologies, the list is just endless.

       Points of interest :
       1. To know about Cultural Technology : 
        Click here to download a word document
        containing information about Cultural Technology
        (gathered from -

       2. To know about Social Technology : 
        Click here to download a word document
        containing information about Social Technology
        (gathered from -
       3. Few notes on Hacking Technology
       Available notes' downloads :

How we use Technologies :

The differences between science, engineering and technology is confusing sometimes. Science can be called- "Reasoned investigation", engineering on the other hand is "a goal-oriented process of creating tools and systems for practical human needs", technology is closer to both of them and can be described as- "the consequence of science and engineering".

The human species started use of technology in the day they learned to make and control fire as mentioned in the history. The use of technology over the ages of humans for living and development has evolved/changed dramatically compared to other species.

Humans started with very simple
tools, but over the ages they
have developed their technology

In the early days, humans used to see the stars and imagine what they were. They used to imagine what the sky was and what was in the sky. In October 1608, the telescope first appeared in Holland(presently- the Netherlands), invented by Lippershey, he was unable to get a patent. Galileo found out about this invention in the spring of 1609, and immediately set about improving it. Scientists revealed the space outside the atmosphere of the world, they discovered the functions and effects of the mighty Sun, the relation between the Sun, the Earth and the Moon. In the middle of the 20th century, our technology had achieved an extraordinary stage enough to leave the Earth and go out in the space. Scientists have discovered countless new stars, planets and solar-systems all over the space. They are now trying to discover earth-like planets so that the human species can be saved in case of any threat. The plan is to build huge-smart spacecrafts that may carry us to those safe human-friendly planets. It may sound like a science fiction, but it is slowly becoming a reality day by bay. Nowadays if you are ready to spend money, you can take a tour out to the space. There are a few companies who offer paid space travels. Russia is one of the leaders in case of space tourism despite the fact that they have halted their "orbital space tour" in 2010 due to some technical reasons. They have plans to resume it in 2012. May be sometimes a controversial matter but land on Moon can also be purchased nowadays. There are some online agencies available too selling moon-land in their websites!

Before the invention of printing press, communication was tougher and manufacturing of large amount of books was also not possible. It was Johannes Gutenberg in Germany who invented Printing Press and made all odds possible in 1450. It started a revolution in Europe and then changed the whole world. Printing presses had spread to over 230 cities in twelve European countries including Germany, Italy, France, Spain, the Netherlands, Switzerland, England by the end of the 15th century. People could access to thousands of different information printed on newspapers, books, documents etc. The introduction of the printing press also changed the way the church operated. For the first time many people could read the bible in their native languages.

The way of printing, reading and accessing information also had changed over the time. The Paper still exists, we read newspapers, print photos, documents etc. But the real picture is changing very fast- the smart people of this smart world now read books in an eBook-reader, they watch videos, live TV, news in an internet connected mobile phone or laptop computer. We don't need to go outside of our homes to meet others, we can do a video chat with them right from our 3g mobile phones or our computers using high-speed internet connections. We also do communicate with friends, family members and close ones through the social networking websites. Even a poor writer like me :) shares his thinking all over the WWW by using a computer that has an internet connection. Many of today's young generation don't prefer going outside to play outdoor games like football, cricket etc. They rather enjoy playing games in our computers. This is one of the main reasons of young-age obesity and several other diseases which is not desirable at all.

"Action and reaction, ebb and flow, trial and error, change- this is the rhythm of living". The journey since the first day was never easy but we still made it. As nothing is perfect and nothing is complete, we have our own faults too within all the goodness. Without any doubt, we will continue inventing new technologies, making wonders and making "yesterday's impossibles" - "today's possible" as we are the greatest ever species in the universe.

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