Monday, July 26, 2010

What is Technology ?

The Word "Technology" : 
Greek technología (in ancient Greek - τεχνολογία) — téchnē (in ancient Greek - τέχνη)means- 'skill', 'art', or 'craft' and logía (in ancient Greek - -λογία)means- the branch of knowledge of a discipline, or the study of something.

Synonyms (nearly the same or alternate meaning, or similar to the word) : 
  •  Skill
  •  Knowledge
  •  Expertise 
  •  Know-how
  •  Equipment 
  •  Machinery
  •  Tools

Few words about Technology :
In this modern and smarter world, one may think that the latest trends like internet, gadgets like mobile phones, iPods, laptops or vehicles like cars, aeroplanes, spacecrafts are the only technologies that we know. But this is not true; believe me or not, the use of technology began in the ancient days as soon as humans learned to convert natural resources into usable tools. In those ancient days, human species discovered and used their own technology for making and controlling fire(about 500,000 – 1 million years ago), they build wheels(about 5,000 – 6,000 years ago) - these things helped the ancient people to avail foods and traveling, which made their living easier in the tough world of that time.

Definition of Technology : 
Technology can be defined in many ways, here is one definition -  "Technology is the application of tools, machines and materials and also development and processes that help to solve problems, which also represents the knowledge of how to combine resources into desired products(or tools, machines, materials and processes)."